
bonelight, by Lucas Enne

lift her from the watercolor sea
so easy to sink in the backwaters
don’t claw cracks in deep marine
those beasts once drowned weren’t
god after all

her skin is leviathan tooth-pocked
bloodfall waterdrip in your arms
cold glimmer-scales like stars in
her cosmic body so let’s pray to
god after all

that breath of smoke on the water
now long dead deified in dreams
you should shake from her flesh
praised by men who claimed a
god after all

men row to decimating seapush
they dread-weep half-damned
as you regard monitor watch
you fucking voyeur like you’re
god after all

the rush of shoreward running
so slowed by flesh-rotting men
until bonelight bodies carry her
pretty blood on since they love
god after all

Lucas Enne is an author of fiction and poetry. His influences include Jeff Vandermeer and Cormac McCarthy, and his works are published or forthcoming in The Dread Machine and Illustrated Worlds. See

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